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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My take on TR North's last TD:

Since I'm the one who asked the question in a previous post, if it was necessary for TR North to put the first team back in and then throw a TD pass with the score 42-3? I will come to the aid of my colleague Tony Graham.
No, TR North should not have done that. I don't think it's good sportsmanship to ever run up the score, no matter what the sport, or what the level of competition we are talking about. If a coach does not want it done to him some day, he should not do it to another coach. What's the old saying? What goes around, comes around. The sporting thing for TR North to do would have been to keep its first string backfield on the bench, which it apparently had already done, and just try to run the game out, satisfied that it had recorded an impressive win over its arch-rival on their field. By throwing for this last TD, TR North has taken some of the attention away from its impressive showing.
Now, having said all this: I like Chip LaBarca Jr. and his staff. They are good guys and good coaches. I just disagree with what they did here. It was not, in my mind, the right thing to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay Steve, since you're on your soapbox and so flustered by someone throwing late in a game and the lack of sportsmanship - what about the idea of not shaking hands with the opposing staff which South didn't do? Is that okay since you seem to be quick to point out one's transgressions without knowing the full story?

September 12, 2007 at 9:25 AM  
Blogger Steven Falk said...

Maybe the reason the TRS coaching staff didn't shake the hands of the TRN staff is because of the pass for the TD with the score 42-3. No, that's not right, either, but I can understand why the TRS staff did thar. And it's not a matter of being flustered by what TRN did, it's a matter of pointing out something that I think was wrong.

September 12, 2007 at 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve, you can't harp about sportsmanship and then say there isn't a good enough reason to throw a ball late but then say you can understand TRS not shaking hands. It just doesn't sit right to an objective observer. That's what you're supposed to be, aren't you? If you were sincerely concerned with sportsmanship you would say both instances were wrong and you can't give a good reason for either. However, you don't - so your opinion is a bit of a fraud in my humble opinion.

September 12, 2007 at 6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not shaking hands is bush league but passing the football up by 39 is even more so.

Just imagine a full court press up in basketball up by 50 in the second half. Or stealing bases in baseball up by ten.

September 12, 2007 at 6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets talk about running up the score. Take a look at the 2003 brick team results in the article about coach wolf. They put up 50 on southern and over 60 on both Lakewood and Central.

September 12, 2007 at 7:45 PM  
Blogger Tony Graham said...

Your point, about the points, I feel is so weak.

It's not about the final score. It's about how, who, and and when the last TD or points are`scored and how deliberate it was.

Anyway..this is an argument that is as old as organized sports itself...

It happens...It really shouldn't (A lot of things in sports, life , shouldn't) but it does.

And to justify it by saying "Well look, someone else (allegedly in this case) did it,'' still, in my opinion, does not justify it.

It's not that novel, however.

It is now almost Thursday...I think this subject is about shot for this week...

There's nothing else to talk about??

How's this? What player do you think will - in the end - be the 2007 Asbury Park Press Offensive Player of the Year??

September 12, 2007 at 7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No the real fact of the matter is who you, as the voices of shore conference football, chose to talk about. If you brought up each instance like you did with this current game then no one would argue. Right or wrong report all instances with an unbiased approach. That is why people are calling you guys out. In another post I, as a brick memorial fan, brought up one of the GREAT coach Wolf's instances of being unsportsmanlike. The response was that I was justifing the actions that took place in the North/South game. My point was if you are truely unbiased then report all instances that occur not just ones in which you see fit. And don't pretend that these figure heads in which you so quickly embrace are clean as whistles. YOU GUYS brought up Coach Wolf, not me. I am just responding. You sound like you are playing favorites. Don't respond to this with, "well it was wrong to do that blah, blah, blah." I am not commenting on that. But please do respond to how you one sidedly picked one game to attack this topic. If you are going to report something report it when it happens all the time, not just when it is an easy, young coach to target. Have some guts.

September 12, 2007 at 9:20 PM  
Blogger Tony Graham said...

Geez... over react a little why don't you???

Trust me - if every instance of this were detailed every time it happens...the list would wind to the moon...

It's just that in this instance it was seen by so many people..

Hey..when it happens elsewhere and some one wants to blog about it and call a coach out on it - fine with me.

But sorry... I do not believe - have ever seen - or even heard of (until now)- Warren Wolf purposely running up the me you sound like a disgruntled Brick Memorial fan for whatever reason ...

If I had seen it I would say so...

And yes - I have personally witnessed instances of running up the score....who hasn't?

And - now for the 600th time. I'm not picking on anyone..I don't care who does it...I just don't like it..Silly me I guess.

But, before this there has never really been a forum to bring it up...

As I said - as the season goes on, if anyone wants want to call out coaches for this they are free to do so here as far as I am concerned.....

September 12, 2007 at 10:37 PM  
Blogger Tony Graham said...

Really - I'm about talked out on this.

I could chop off the comments - but if this is what you want to blog about..go right ahead. We do encourage discussion as long as it doesn't hit gutter levels and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. No problem with that....

Meeanhile I don't think I'm going to respond any more on this subject unless
something ""new'' develops...

Hey - thanks for partcicipating!!!

September 12, 2007 at 10:41 PM  
Blogger Steven Falk said...

Mr. Anonymous, if you read my response carefully, you would have noticed I said it was not right for the TRS coaches not to shake hands. Yes, I can understand why they chose that route, but it was not right. Maybe, they would have shaken hands had TRN not thrown for a TD up 42-3. To defend what TRN did because you feels other have done it in the past doesn't make it right. Just remember, what goes around eventually comes around. If somebody does it to TRN in the future, I will say it's wrong, too. But, if you think what TRN did was right, then don't complain if somebody else does it to them down the line.

September 13, 2007 at 2:05 PM  

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