LIVE from FirstEnergy Park/Blog Baseball/CBA vs. Colts Neck
Colts Neck won a coin flip and is the home team
Starting pitchers-
For CBA - SR RH Dave Laufer (7-2)
For C Neck - Jr RH Anthony DeSclafani (7-2)'
CBA (24-6) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 - 2
Colts Neck (22-7) 2 0 0 0 2 4 x - 8
CBA top first: Marc Sansevere called out on strikes. Steve McSherry grounds out to first. Mike Galeotafiore grounds to third.
Colts Neck bottom first: Ashton Jackson safe on infield hit. Dom Hayes singles to right. A. Jackson to third. A.J. Rusbarsky RBI single to left. Hayes thrown out at third trying to advance. Wild pitch. Rusbarsky to second. Ethan Jackson safe on error at short, run scores. Pete Salvati flies to right. Pat Specchio strikes out swinging.
CBA top second hitters due 4-5-6. Dave Laufer walks. Jim Laufer called out on strikes (K2). Scott Micallef singles to right. Runners first and second. Kyle Slate grounds into 5-3 double play. Nice play by 3B Pete Salvati, tags the runner and throws to first.
CN hitters due 7-8-9. DeSclafani strikes out swinging. Mike O'Reilly grounds to first. Joe DeNora called out on strike (K3).
CBA top third hitters due 8-9-1. Dan Diaz grounds out to second. Anthony Cirillo walks. Sansevere safe on wild throw by third baseman. Cirillo to third. McSherry bounces into 4-6-3 double play.
CN bottom third hitters due 1-2-3. Ashton Jackson strikes out swinging. Hayes walks. Rusbarsky safe on error at short. E. Jackson called out on strikes (K5). Runner caught stealing third base.
CBA top fourth hitters due 3-4-5. Galeotafiore safe on throwing error by third baseman. D. Laufer called out on strikes (K3). J. Laufer pops to short. Micallef grounds to second.
CNeck bottom fourth hitters due 5-6-7. Salvati walks. Specchio grounds into 5-4-3 double play. DeSclafani flies to center.
CBA top 5th hitters due 7-8-9. Slate chops to third. Diaz lines a double to center. PH Steve Hicks grounds to short. Sansevere strikes out swinging on a breaking ball (K5).
CN hitters due bottom fifth 8-9-1. O'Reilly flies out foul to left on twisting catch by McSherry. PH Frank Piazza singles off the glove of diving 3B Galeotafiore. A. Jackson rung up on strikes (K6). Hayes hit and run single to center. Takes second on throw in. Rusbarsky intentionally walked. Bases loaded. E. Jackson 3 and 2. E. Jackson safe on infield roller to third RBI, 3-0 C Neck. Salvati bad hop to single third. RBI, 4-0. Next runner out at home on the play, LF to Catcher.
CBA top 6th hitters due 2-3-4. McSherry singles to center. Galeotafiore line single to left. Error in left field allows run to score and Galeotafiore to reach second. D. Laufer grounds to third, runner holds. Balk, Galeotafiore to third. J.Laufer 3 and 2 count. J. Laufer walks. (CN coach Mike Yorke to mound). Micallef sac fly to left, 4-2 score. Slate called out on strikes (K5).
CN bottom sixth hitters 6-7-8. Specchio flies to deep left. DeSclafani called out on strikes (K7). O'Reilly shoots an opposite field single to left. DeNora strikes out swinging (K8). Batter reaches first on ball in dirt and catcher throws to second with runner breaking and did not throw to first. Batter safe at first. A. Jackson safe on nubber to third. Bases loaded. Hayes : LONGGGGG Drive , Right field, GRAND SLAM HOME RUN, 8-2. Jordan Gilruth now pitching for CBA. Rusbarsky grounds out to third.
CNA hitters due 8-9-1. Diaz singles to right. Dan Avella PH grounds into 1-6 force out. Sansevere strikes out (K6). McSherry pops to center.
Colts Neck wins first SCT championship, 8-2.
Note - We are doing a RALLYCAST video of this game which will be availabe on the Press web site Thursday morning.
Starting pitchers-
For CBA - SR RH Dave Laufer (7-2)
For C Neck - Jr RH Anthony DeSclafani (7-2)'
CBA (24-6) 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 - 2
Colts Neck (22-7) 2 0 0 0 2 4 x - 8
CBA top first: Marc Sansevere called out on strikes. Steve McSherry grounds out to first. Mike Galeotafiore grounds to third.
Colts Neck bottom first: Ashton Jackson safe on infield hit. Dom Hayes singles to right. A. Jackson to third. A.J. Rusbarsky RBI single to left. Hayes thrown out at third trying to advance. Wild pitch. Rusbarsky to second. Ethan Jackson safe on error at short, run scores. Pete Salvati flies to right. Pat Specchio strikes out swinging.
CBA top second hitters due 4-5-6. Dave Laufer walks. Jim Laufer called out on strikes (K2). Scott Micallef singles to right. Runners first and second. Kyle Slate grounds into 5-3 double play. Nice play by 3B Pete Salvati, tags the runner and throws to first.
CN hitters due 7-8-9. DeSclafani strikes out swinging. Mike O'Reilly grounds to first. Joe DeNora called out on strike (K3).
CBA top third hitters due 8-9-1. Dan Diaz grounds out to second. Anthony Cirillo walks. Sansevere safe on wild throw by third baseman. Cirillo to third. McSherry bounces into 4-6-3 double play.
CN bottom third hitters due 1-2-3. Ashton Jackson strikes out swinging. Hayes walks. Rusbarsky safe on error at short. E. Jackson called out on strikes (K5). Runner caught stealing third base.
CBA top fourth hitters due 3-4-5. Galeotafiore safe on throwing error by third baseman. D. Laufer called out on strikes (K3). J. Laufer pops to short. Micallef grounds to second.
CNeck bottom fourth hitters due 5-6-7. Salvati walks. Specchio grounds into 5-4-3 double play. DeSclafani flies to center.
CBA top 5th hitters due 7-8-9. Slate chops to third. Diaz lines a double to center. PH Steve Hicks grounds to short. Sansevere strikes out swinging on a breaking ball (K5).
CN hitters due bottom fifth 8-9-1. O'Reilly flies out foul to left on twisting catch by McSherry. PH Frank Piazza singles off the glove of diving 3B Galeotafiore. A. Jackson rung up on strikes (K6). Hayes hit and run single to center. Takes second on throw in. Rusbarsky intentionally walked. Bases loaded. E. Jackson 3 and 2. E. Jackson safe on infield roller to third RBI, 3-0 C Neck. Salvati bad hop to single third. RBI, 4-0. Next runner out at home on the play, LF to Catcher.
CBA top 6th hitters due 2-3-4. McSherry singles to center. Galeotafiore line single to left. Error in left field allows run to score and Galeotafiore to reach second. D. Laufer grounds to third, runner holds. Balk, Galeotafiore to third. J.Laufer 3 and 2 count. J. Laufer walks. (CN coach Mike Yorke to mound). Micallef sac fly to left, 4-2 score. Slate called out on strikes (K5).
CN bottom sixth hitters 6-7-8. Specchio flies to deep left. DeSclafani called out on strikes (K7). O'Reilly shoots an opposite field single to left. DeNora strikes out swinging (K8). Batter reaches first on ball in dirt and catcher throws to second with runner breaking and did not throw to first. Batter safe at first. A. Jackson safe on nubber to third. Bases loaded. Hayes : LONGGGGG Drive , Right field, GRAND SLAM HOME RUN, 8-2. Jordan Gilruth now pitching for CBA. Rusbarsky grounds out to third.
CNA hitters due 8-9-1. Diaz singles to right. Dan Avella PH grounds into 1-6 force out. Sansevere strikes out (K6). McSherry pops to center.
Colts Neck wins first SCT championship, 8-2.
Note - We are doing a RALLYCAST video of this game which will be availabe on the Press web site Thursday morning.
Just because your beloved CBA is a little depressed from their loss by no means dimishes this final game in the shore conference. Give the game it's due. Colts Neck fought hard to get there and deserves everyone's respect.
CBA fans are not depressed (well maybe a little) They played a good game and lost. Well kids, that's baseball. Very tough loss, but this is a team with a lot of heart and they want to win tonight and tomorrow.
Their fans support them all the way!
They will get out there and do what they do best- play great baseball!
This is a great team and they will finish up strong!
I think you took this the wrong way.
What I am saying is that there does not seem to be a whole lot of chatter or excitement about this game from either least until now.....maybe you'll rouse some spark here.
I have no more or less love for CBA than I do for Colts Neck, Lakewood, or Keansburg, etc.
Yes - Colts Neck playing in its first SCT final is a good story
in its own right.
I always like to see Shore teams do matter who they are - in the state tournament.
I am strictly neutral when it comes to Shore vs. Shore teams - in any venue.
It doesn't matter to me one way or the other who wins tonight..
I would -
1. Like to see a good game.
2. Have it not go 12 innings!
3. And not end up 1-0..I've seen like 3-4 games like that this year and while they can be entertaining in their own right...a nice tidy 7-5, 6-4, 4-3 game would suit me just fine, personally - and - again - It doesn't matter to me who wins.
Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter,Chatter and EXCITEMENT!
CBA vs.Colts Neck tonight 7 PM First Energy Park!
Now there is a lot of chatter AND exitement!
long Live the QUADRUPLE CROWN, the legend grows.
BREAK OUT THE GATORADE another year down just like the 72 dolphins
Yes..the Wall 2004 team continues to stand alone as the only Shore Conference QC winner...
I'll bet Wall was hoping for a CBA win yesteray so they could have attempted to spoil it for the Colts tomorrow in the MCT ....
I think what you meant to say is that this is not a state championship game and not having a shore team in any of the states takes a little luster out of this game. I am sure CBA senior do not want their last game to be a shut out
What I meant to say was...I don't or didn't feel an air of electricity about this game that one would associate with an SCT final.
As I also said - it could just be me..
I am sure there are plenty of fans and parents, etc. who are juiced for this one and I do not mean to detract from it or it's importance.....I was offering a personal observation...
That's why they pay me the big bucks..well.. little bucks.. well... bread and water anyway....
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