Senenca stuns Ocean with 4 in bottom of the 12th, Spartans fall in Gr 3 semi, 5-4. CBA loses in eight innings, 1-0.
Starting pitchers:
Ocean Sr RH Kyle Norman (8-0)
Seneca Sr RH Sam Pepper (2-2). Sr Dan Grovatt (8-0) opens at first base.
Ocean (24-7) 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 - 4
Seneca (19-8) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 - 5
Ocean top first - Norman long drive to left, spectacular catch by LF Shaun Flynn, reaching up, falls down, and holds on. Sean DaSilva strikes out swinging. Keith Weinkofsky walks (Rodriguez runs and steals second). Jamie Rosenkranz walks. Eric Hinkle pops to the pitcher.
Seneca bottom first: Dustin Worthman pops to short. Dan Williams (bound for Penn) lines a single to center. Dan Grovatt (.570, 7 HR, 40 RBI, signed with Virginia, lean left-handed hitter). Passed ball. Williams to second. Grovatt lines a hit down the rightfield line into the corner. RBI triple. Sam Pepper rolls to third, thrown out by DaSilva. Runner holds. Troy Foster hit by pitch. Foster picked off first by Norman.
Ocean top second: Dave Kaczka strikes out swinging. Tony DeSantis called out on strikes (K3). Sean Fox bouncer to third.
Seneca bottom second: (6-7-8) Shaun Flynn lines to center. Evan Hoffman called out on strikes. Jay Donoghue smokes a single to right. Matt Giberson called out on strikes.
Ocean top third: Neal Yaffe safe on an error. Norman called out on strikes (K4). DaSilva pops out. Yaffe to second on passed ball. Weinkofsky intentionally walked. Rosenkranz grounds to second. Sorry about the posting delay. Blog issues.
Seneca bottom third (1-2-3). Worthman walks. Williams sac bunt. Wild pitch: Worthman to third. Grovatt grounds to first. Runner holds. Pitch bounces in front of plate, kicks off Weinkofsky towards the mound. Runner tries to score. Norman flips to Weinkofsky. Runner out at home.
Ocean top fourth: (5-6-7): Hinkle grounds to second. Kazcka flies to left. DeSantis strikes out swinging (K5). Pepper is pitching a no-hitter.
Seneca bottom fourth (4-5-6). Pepper skies to center. Foster strikes out swinging (K3). Flynn loops a single to center. Hoffman called out on strikes on nice breaking ball (K 4).
Ocean top fifth (8-9-1). Pepper not overly baffling or throwing all that hard. Is changing speeds. Ocean just not hitting him. So Fox lines a single to center. That was the old black cat!! Yaffe sac bunt. Norman grounds hard to third. Fox takes third. DaSilva grounds hard to first. First baseman makes nice play in the hole, flips to pitcher covering for the final out.
Seneca bottom fifth (8-9-1): Donoghue grounds to third. Giberson called out on strikes on another hook (K5). Worthman lines to center.
Ocean top sixth (3-4-5): Weinkofsky grounds hard to third, diving stop and throw by third baseman. Rosenkranz grounds hard to short. Nice stretch by the first baseman. They're making every play. Hinkle walks. Wild pitch! Hinkle to second. Wild pitch! Hinkle to third. (Coach to mound, leaves pitcher in). Kaczka walks. DeSantis ground ball base hit centerfield. Tie game (runner stops at second). Pitching change: (Grovatt pitching, big left-hander, the ace 8-1. Throws hard). Wild pitch: Runners to second and third. 3-and 2, foul ball. Fox strikes out swinging on a slider.
Seneca bottom sixth (2-3-4). Williams pops to second. Grovatt (the slugger) hit by pitch. Pepper (another LH batter). Wild pitch. CR Matt Carr to second. Pepper
grounds to first. Runner to third. Foster ground ball wide of third. DaSilva cuts across, snags it, throws him out.
Ocean top 7th (9-1-2): - According to a rumor Grovatt hit 93 mph last inning. Yaffe loops out to second. Norman pops to second. DaSilva strikes out on 3-2 blazing fastball.
Seneca bottom seventh (6-7-8) Flynn doubles to left center. Bruce Haines PH strikes out swinging (K6). Donoghue grounds to mound. Runner thrown out at third. Donoghue safe at first. Giberson strikes out swinging (K7).
Ocean top 8th (3-4-5 vs. the big lefty Grovatt). Weinkofsky: Strike called.Foul ball. Ball one outside. Ball two low. Weinkofsky called out on strikes on fastball on the inside corner. (K3)Rosenkranz lines a single over second base. Rosenkranz steals second on pick off move. Wild pitch, runner to third. Count is 2-2 (Coach to mound). Hinkle bounts foul on squeeze attempt for strike three (K4). Kaczka strikes out swinging on crackling fastball (K5).
PITCHING CHANGE: Rosenkranz, Jr RH, pitching for Ocean. Norman to SS.
Seneca bottom eighth (1-2-3): Worthman singles to center. Sac Bunt. Grovatt IBB. Pepper grounds into 6-4 force out. Runners at first and third. Foster grounds to short.
Ocean top 9th (7-8-9) (Grovatt still pitching for Seneca). DeSantis rolls to first. Fox lines to center. Yaffe taps to second.
Seneca bottom ninth (6-7-8 vs. Rosenkranz). Flynn walks. Haines sac bunt. Donoghue comebacker. Runner holds second. Giberson lines to center.
We go to the 10th inning...
Ocean top 1oth (1-2-3 hitters vs. Grovatt). Norman strikes out swinging (K6). DaSilva singles past short on an 0-2 pitch. Weinkofsky: Strike called. Strike two called. Weinkfosky flies to center. Rosenkranz walks. (Coach to the mound on 2-0 count on Hinkle). Hinkle called out on strikes (K7).
Seneca bottom 10th (1-2-3 hitters vs. Rosenkranz). Worthman lines to center. Williams lines to deep center. Grovatt (the big bomber) flies to deep left, to Yaffe who makes a running catch near the wall.
Ocean top 11th (6-7-8 hitters vs. Grovatt). Kaczka walks on 3-2 pitch outside. DeSantis sac bunt. Kaczka to second. Fox hard ground ball, second baseman back hand stop and makes the play. Kaczka to third. Yaffe hard ground ball, dandy stop by the third baseman to his left and throws Yaffe out.
Seneca bottom 11th (4-5-6 hitters vs. Rosenkranz). Pepper flies to deep right. Foster lines a single to center. Flynn grounds in to 3-6 force play. Haines lines hard to Yaffe in left.
We go to the 12th!!!
Ocean hitters top 12th (1-2-3 vs. Grovatt). Norman slams a double to deep left center on the first pitch. DaSilva sac bunt. Weinkofsky IBB (Rodriguez runs). Rosenkranz ground base hit center field. ocdean leasds, 2-1. Rodriguez stops at second. Runners double steal. Hinkle grounds out to first. Rodriguez breaks for the plate. The throw..late. Run scores. Wild pitch.! Rosenkranz scores, 4-1. Kaczka strikes out (K8).
Seneca hitters due vs. Rosenkranz (8-9-1). Donoghue safe on Norman's error at short. Giberson RBI double to deep left, 4-2. (Asst. Coach Malanga to mound). Worthman singles to left. Runners at the corners. Williams ground base hit to left, 4-3. Runners at first and second. Runner at second steals third. (Hinkle releives Rosenkranz). First and third. Grovatt singles to right, 4-4. Runner to third. Pepper IBB. Foster line single to deep right. Seneca wins, 5-4
CBA Loses in eight innings, 1-0.
will you be blogging ocean's game today????????? Please??????
Can you please post the line up for Ocean.
Com'on Ocean! Gotta get some hits!
Please advise how Grovatt is throwing. Hard fastball? Good breaking ball? Change?
cba is tied in bottom of 7th
man on first 2 out
my refresh button has never had such a workout!!!!!!
Wow! This is some game....
We need a Rosenkranz or Weinkofsky BOMB.
I can't believe it! After that great comeback!!
Well what a game.
OT should be proud of themselves. They had a GREAT season and battled hard throughout all of it.
Great job boys!
Keep your heads held high.
thanks for all the updates they have been great. My prediction for the CBA colts neck game. team making the least errors will win this. Colts neck has won all year with a complete team effort, although rusbarsky has shined lately its been the whole team that has gotten them this far. CBA it has been the same 4 or 5 all year. You know who they are. Deslafani tough this time of year. pickem in extra innings
is oceans seasons over? and are colts neck/cba the only teams in the shore left playing?
I guess Slate could say its karma.
Grovatt..supposedly was throwing in the low 90's and had a nice slider until he tired in the 12th inning..
Please much as I would love to ....It's a little tough to blog, keep score..and then to also answer e-mail during the game.....
As soon as I grow that third hand I'll give it a shot. I may try it (all three functions) at some point...
Just don't ask questions that require detailed answers!!
Ocean season over..two games left...CBA/CN tomorrow night and CBA/Wall in MCT final Thursday..we can all watch softball Saturday!!!
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